It's pretty early here. I fell asleep at 7 :45 pm and woke up at 2 am. Boy are my sleeping patterns out of whack lately. LOL This is what long weekends do to me. :)
We had a fantastic long weekend thou. How was yours? We had roast duck for Thanksgiving, it was delicious. Did lots of walks and took lots of autumn pictures. I even got to wear my winter hat and gloves; it was that cold. We visited everyone on our list and then some. And I was able to get some free time in to make some pages with the DSO Colours that Kim's hubby gave us this month.
I'll share with you today some of the elements and a couple of papers. I also have another 5 papers which I'll post up tomorrow.
Here are the previews of what you are welcome to download today.

Sorry about the previews. I must have saved them in the wrong d.p.i. Blogger compresses everything LOL.
In re to the house cluster and bird, I have left them flat. You may bevel them if you like to give them some rounded depth.
Thanks for stopping in today. I'll post the rest of the papers sometime later. I am off to get some more zees.
Enjoy your day and your download.