Hope you are all doing well. It's been a while.....life is great.
Our Australian friends left for their motor home journey on Friday. We had a wonderful 2 weeks with them, went like every where. Joe started holidays on Friday and will be leaving for the cottage in the very early morning. It's Victoria Day Weekend here or what many call 'the 2 4 weekend'...take that as you will :) It usually rains and turns hot and muggy, perfect for mosquitoes. It's also the time when folks open up the cottage or mobile home and light up the bbq for some grilled steaks and veggies. That's us :)
The kids will be out of school in a couple of weeks.....the school year sure did go by fast.
But enough babble...
Over the past month, whenever I've had a some spare time, I've been working with the DSO Colors for May. So I told Joe yesterday that I must get out to you all what I have at least done. I was on an experimental journey with this kit. Nothing fancy by any means. So lets get to it cause there are 5 files for a whopping 334 mb to be had. You'll find the links below the images.
First up there is the papers......there are 3 packs....

Second there is the elements.....the are about 50 or more in there.
Third there is a bonus pack....with the alphas, more papers, elements, and a template. I made an extra set of those brackets extra big.
Whew. And there you have it....not complete by any means.
So I am off to dream land till 2 am. I'll catch you all when we get back next weekend.
Enjoy your downloads and your days.