
Saturday, August 07, 2010

I am off

Morning Folks.

I am glad to see there were no issues (well one which I hope has been resolved).

It's just before 6 am here and I am off to the great wide open, Northern Country, that is, in an hour or so. Just waiting on Joe. So I thought I would come on in a babble for a bit.
I'll be back, hopefully by the end of August, but if things should change it will be the 4th of Sept at the latest. Tyler starts back at school on the 7th and I usually have a shindig bbq over the Labor Day Weekend, the last long weekend before everyone is back into high gear till Thanksgiving.
We are having some cool Autumn weather here as I speak. I actually had to wear a hoodie outside last night. The AC hasn't been on since the following night when the winds of change blew in and slammed my bedroom door waking me with a start.
Oh and here's a funny...the other day, when I did the template challenge over at the DSO, I did it on a song that I woke up with and it kept lingering on in my mind...well yesterday I was having some lunch and this commercial comes on the tv and it's got that song playing in it...and I'm like, so that's where I got it from...the darn tv playing while I'm sleeping...and here I am thinking it had some deep meaning LOL. I don't eat hot dogs, that's what the commercial is for.
Any how, I am going to bid you all a fond farewell for now.
Have a wonderful day and month.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Thank U Gift - Freebie

Hello Fellow Scrappers...............

I hope the links have worked for you.
Again, my sincere apologizes.

I am pooped.
Spent what time I could this evening making a small gift for your kindness. And patience.
It was well worth the time.
I hope you like it.
I picked up the palette from Kim's Color Challenge over at the DSO when I came back and they are marvelous.
I created a layout of Lady, seen below, which I turned into a quick page for you and
I also split everything up so you could make your own pages with the paper, butterfly, frame and rose. All in 1 download (47mb) :)

Here is the page I created of Lady. She truly is. A Lady.

Totally not finished but I am pooped LOL

And here is your small gift.

Again, thank U all for your kindness. I must get some zees before I bang my head off the table LOL.
Oh I leave this evening. I will check back before I go to make sure everything is okay with this download. I will check several times throughout the day too.

Enjoy your day and your download.


Thursday, August 05, 2010

Humble Apologizes - Freebie

My Humblest Apologizes to All.

Media Fire Uploaded it, gave me a link for it, and then off the file went disappearing into the great white open. It's the only logical explanation I can give since I did get a link and I saw it there LOL

Thank goodness I was browsing and nosing this afternoon before heading up North for the remainder of the summer tomorrow.

So let's get you those links asap...

I'll post again later, with a gift for everyone for the kindness of letting me know of this malfunction. mwah :)
