Howdy Folks,
Yes I have been MIA for quite a bit here on the blog. Time just doesn't slow down long enough for me to finish what I start LOL.
In the am, I am able to sit for an hour, if I am lucky, before I have to get going, this leaves me just enough time to pop in and visit some online buds, maybe a forum, and poof, the time is gone. In the afternoon I am lucky to get in an another hour and poof, it's gone again. But the time I finish my day I am beat. But today I took a short nap, 47 minutes, woo who, in the afternoon just so I could post this evening, still I am pooped and will be heading off to dream land as soon as I am done, yawning away as I type.
I know I have missed so much here in scrap land but I have been trying my best to at least stay in touch with some of you most of the time. Let's just say Google's Reader is probably over the top, I am terrified to open it and see all those posts.
I haven't had any time to scrap or make anything, there just isn't any free time to spare.
Kristine, I live in Oakville, Ontario, not to far from Kitchener, LOL ( i hope its the wench who left the message) will I come and visit? maybe at the end of spring if Tyler doesn't play ball this year.
Can you split me in three cause i wanna go up to see Pam up in Barrie too.
Oh when was it, early October I think, we went up to the orchard and spent the day picking apples, spent the next two days making 40 pies, what a nightmare, my hands ached for weeks peeling those apples. No I don't have a magic peeler to do it for me, but I am thinking about it, trust me.
This weekend Joe is off, man the guy works way too much, and this leaves me lugging the boys around everywhere. don't even talk to me about snow, I don't wanna see any. I've seen enough. Can some one buy me a ticket to the Bahamas, I so need some sunshine and a beach with some gorgeous blue tropical waters. Nah, forget it, I would probably sleep the time away and miss the beauty anyway.
Last Friday he got a new Honda Cr V and he won't let me drive it. He also got promoted, the snob, he's now a boss. Really, I am so proud of him.
Tyler has a garbage bin full of Hallowe'en crap, yeah it's crap to me. I am an icing girl and that's about as far as I go in the sugar department. That should last him till next year. He dressed up as, of all things, a hockey jock LOL Oh, he's a hockey jock alright, every game scoring goals, even teaching some of the new kids some of his fancy tricks. He cracks me up.
Don't even talk to me about pictures, I have so many I don't know where to begin. I can't promise I'll post any cause who knows when I will be able to post again. Please, split me in three so I can have some me time, pretty please, I'll pay you.
Well I have to go before I crack my chin off the table, I can't stop yawning. 6 am is just way to early for me.
Gotta go
Huggins to you all